"No,” he said quietly, looking down at me. “There is no heartbeat.”
No heartbeat. His words buried me like a load of cement, and suddenly I was fighting to breathe. Head spinning, heart pounding, my body shook uncontrollably as shock set in. No. This can’t be happening. My baby… “I’m so sorry, Monica.” He put his arms around me and I buried my face in his chest as violent sobs exploded from deep within. “No! Why, why?” He had no answer and held me tight. Minutes later I caught my breath, becoming quiet and still, looking down at the lifeless lump of flesh I had watched grow for nine months. He picked up the telephone next to the bed and asked for my phone number. A moment later, I listened to Dr. Ross tell Al the baby had no heartbeat and that he needed to come to the hospital right away.

      Excitedly awaiting the birth of her second child, Monica Novak’s life comes crashing down when her baby girl is delivered stillborn. As questions and emotions swirl around her, she seeks comfort from other bereaved parents at a support group for pregnancy and infant loss. There she bonds with six women who, despite different circumstances, find instant common ground with each other.
      First we meet Dawn who, after months of infertility treatments, loses premature triplets and finds herself living in a too quiet home that has become a shrine to her “angel” children.
      Next is Heidi who, like Monica, has delivered a stillborn baby girl.  When Heidi quickly becomes pregnant again, she struggles simultaneously with conflicting emotions of grief and celebration.
      Beth, who has recently lost a premature son, comes to the group to support Heidi, but quickly learns she needs support too as she finds herself on a roller coaster ride of grief, guilt, and anger that’s unleashed on unsuspecting people at the grocery store.
      When we meet Darlene, she’s just lost premature twin sons. When the newlywed can no longer stand sitting in her empty apartment, she embarks on a journey that leads her through a string of baby-related jobs, from nanny, to day care provider, to baby store clerk.
      Next to join the group is Tracy who, after patiently waiting many years to start a family, delivers a stillborn son. As Tracy sits quietly, processing the pain deep within, her husband brings humor to the group as he shares stories of the unlikely comfort they’ve found in the form of a stuffed monkey.
      Finally, we welcome Wendy who, despite the successful birth of her first child, finds herself on a difficult road when pregnancy after pregnancy ends in miscarriage, and she becomes lost in a dark tunnel of despair that pours out through her hauntingly beautiful journal entries.
      One by one, fate weaves these seven women’s lives together in the wake of tragedy misunderstood by those around them. Set around support group meetings and restaurant rendezvous, these seven soul sisters find a new normal.Through tears and anger, compassion and laughter, late nights and French toast, the sun slowly emerges from the darkness bringing with it love, hope and healing as, together, they rebuild their lives.

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